The Golden Ratio is a ratio based on Phi 1.6180339887498948420. Phi is similar to Pi in that it also repeats to infinity. In the golden ratio, A +B is to A as A is to B. It can be found by dividing a line into 2 parts so the longer section is divided by the smaller section and the smaller section is equal to the whole divided by the longer section. Which sounds a little confusing. But visually, it all starts to make sense.
Artists, Photographers, Designers all use the Golden Ratio in composing works of art and advertisements. In art, the Golden Ratio helps to create a balance between detail and negative space. It also gives the image flow, meaning that the artwork draws your eye in first to a particular area and then leads you to view the rest of the piece. You can also see the Golden Ratio in the design of architecture and nature.
Math Joke of the Week:
Q. What do you get when you cross a math teacher with a tree?
A. Arithma-sticks.
A. Arithma-sticks.