Percentages are like fractions. 3% is 3/100 or 3 hundredths. Easy enough. But what about when you need to figure out 17% of 250 strawberries because you are making an exceptionally precise jam? I learned that you can assume that 250 is 100% because it is all of the strawberries. X will be the number of strawberries we need for this amazing jam.
X=17% 250=100
If we turn this into fractions it would be 250/x=100/17%. Things from here got a little rusty so I researched how to make this work and found this explanation:
250/x=100/17(250/x)*x=(100/17)*x - we multiply both sides of the equation by x250=5.88235294118*x - we divide both sides of the equation by (5.88235294118) to get x250/5.88235294118=x 42.5=x x=42.5
17% of 250=42.5
I'm going to have to play with this a bit more. But I'm happy to know that we need 42 and a half strawberries to make a batch of jam. Now, how much sugar and lemon juice do we need......?
Math joke of the week:
Q: Why don't you do arithmetic in the jungle?
A: Because if you add 4+4 you get ate!